Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We are up and running, my friends!

Ha. To all you nay-sayers (is that right??) who never believed, I spit in your face. Well, I at least huff at you. Here we are. Our book club commences.

Our first book, which everyone should know by now is Honest Illusions by Nora Roberts.

And I hereby declare that these shall be our deadlines:

May 19 - Through chapter 18, our first official "discussion" (by discussion I mean general silliness) will take place where all of us are present. Yes ALL. Crack the whip. We are the dominatrixies for a reason.

June 2 - Through chapter 35, sum up of the book

Since we are just beginning, this is just an guinea pig for future months.

Of course at any point if you really, really want to talk about how awesome the book is and how great Frances is for suggesting it, of course you can.

So let's start reading ladies!!


  1. Ready to get this show on the road

  2. I can honestly say I am absolutely SHOCKED by how much I like this book. Really Frances for a while I thought you were just nuts but it's good. . . I'll be finished by Friday :)

  3. Jess and I agree that you need to add a time along with the date that you want us all be on together. I don't even know if that sentence makes sense, I'm so tired. Oh and I think we should make a rule that everyone has to post SOMETHING that day even if it's just a yes a I liked it or no I hated it.
