Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why I'm pleasantly surprised

Normally I like historical romances but I do read contemporaries every once and a while. Contemporaries meaning of this decade. This book was written in the 90's which means it should just be graduating high school in my mind, way too old for me. Also the copy I bought is kinda dingy and yellow which just adds to the oldness of it. Plus it's a Nora Robert book and I'm not a fan of authors with hundreds of books, ok not hundreds more like 65 but still that's an awfully lot of books.
I like to read books by authors who have a few on their list so I can read them all and feel like I "know" the author. To me books are like authors' children, they've created these very in depth characters and lives and stories, and in their own way they love each page as much as I do. I'm never impressed when I hear about a person with 18 kids, or an octomom, or Bradalina with their growing brood. How do you love every one of them equally? How do you make sure their needs are all adequately met? How do you remember their names? I tend to shy away from authors with tons of books because again how can it be possible for them to adequately love their books and if they don't love them why would I?
But all that is beside the point because I have found that I truly like this book. It's has a very in depth story plot. You immediately feel drawn to Luke (side note his name is the same name as another character by a different author, who I love, and so in my mind there was a bit of a speed bump but I got over it quickly.) His story is so sad and heart wrenching and you just want to take care of him. Max is awesome and his side business makes you think of Oceans Eleven. Roxanne is someone you can relate to because as she grows she has to prove herself to the family.
*** Maybe a spoiler but not really cause we all know the book is about Luke and Rox (just read the back description) and you realize they grow up together in the first few chapters. ***
The only problem I have is the fact that Luke and Rox are raised as brother and sister but eventually become romantically involved. And although Luke does have some problems with it being "emotionally incest" it doesn't stop him from fulfilling his needs. That's a bit icky for me, because it is kinda incest and he watched this girl grow up and it's just ODD. But all in all, the book is good and I'm looking forward to finishing it.


  1. So happy you posted Jen! And I love that you love the book. This has gotta be my hands down favorite Nora Roberts book. I've read many of her others trying to find one that I love, but I find this is her best. Don't want to discourage from reading more from her because she has written other great books, but this one is my favorite. The love story to me is so incredibly sexy. I never really had a problem with them growing up together, because to me it never felt like they had a brother-sister relationship. Dunno. Anyway, so happy you like. I wish the others would let us know what they think. I have a sneaking suspicion that Sarah is not reading this, but is still engrossed in Sookieland.

  2. I've read Nora Robert's witch trilogy and liked it! Those were good!

  3. Frances is correct I am in Sookieland. Even though I hate that whore for stealing my husband. Whore = Sookie not Frances
