Saturday, June 13, 2009

I finished

I finished the book a week ago and I am a lazy slacker who is only writing this now out of boredom and because Sarah threatened me. i enjoyed the book. Like Sarah said it is very different from the movie but I think that allowed me to enjoy it more. I normally have a hard time reading a book after seeing the movie because you know what is going to happen. The only thing I found in common with the movie is the list doesn't really change but a lot of what happens does. I love the family in the book, they each help Holly in their own way. The end started to get boring i had to make myself keep reading it. I did miss the huge fight that is in the movie I wish something like that were in the book. It helped to see what their relationship was like. The book only says that they loved each other very much which is fine but it helps to see how they were together. Anyways thats my opinion without giving away the story.

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