Thursday, June 4, 2009

What happens in London

I had the good fortune to win a pre-release e-book from author, Julia Quinn. Her newest story is about Lady Olivia and Sir Henry. It's a sequel to The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever. It's not really a sequel just has some of the same characters. I received the link for the e-book Sunday morning and I sat in front of my computer ALL DAY and finished the book by Sunday night. It was absolutely delightful. There were times when I laughed out loud. It's not what I call a "deep" book. There is not some major antagonist, yes things happen but it's not so cloak and dagger through out the book. And it's not one of those books where the main characters hate each other for most of it and never admit their love until the last page, I hate those books. This is a light hearted fun book!

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