Wednesday, June 3, 2009

P.S. I Love You (all of you girlies)

Hi homies! I bought our next book of the month. Has anyone else? I'm excited to start reading something new, as my life since November has been consumed with nothing but vampire novels/fanfiction. I'm not sure I remember what reading anything else is like. I am not going to start reading yet because I am a loser and still have a few chapters of Honest Illusions to finish up. For some reason I was having a hard time really enjoying the book this time around. That is...until Monday. I started reading at work and I was at the part where Luke comes back and asks Sam for time with his family and I was completely captivated again. That is my favorite part of the book - when Luke wins Roxy back and plans his revenge. I love Luke's connection with Nate. He is so tender with him. Anywho, somebody get on this blog and post besides Sarah and I!!

Talk to you soon, lovelies.

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