Sunday, June 7, 2009

Not so sure

The whole reason I picked P.S. I Love You is because I love the movie. Apparently, I've made the colossal mistake of thinking a movie would be anything like the book. I am only a few chapters into the book but there are already huge difference from the movie.
The movie starts off with Holly and Gerry having a fight during which I immediately connected with Holly. In the movie, Holly's dad abandons them when she's14. During the fight Holly accuses Gerry of wanting to leave her, when they make up he tells her "You can't keep eatin' me head off, tellin' me to leave...I'm not goin' anywhere. I'm not your dad...don't you know that yet?" I love this becuase I can just imagine having arguments like this with the man I marry. Well, in the book Holly's parents are still married! My connection to Holly is completely thrown out the window.
Like I said I just started the book so hopefully I will come to appreciate it but I'm not sure b/c Holly's dad not being in the picture plays a huge role in the movie and in me loving the movie. We shall see.
Anyway, Jen and I are talking about renting P.S. I Love You while she and Frances are in town so maybe we can all get together and watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, whoa! I definitely DON'T want to watch the movie until I'm finished with the book. I hope I'm done by the time I come up, but if not we'll have to wait. Oh, and as far as my opinion of the book so far - hopefully I'll get it up this weekend. If my laptop cord ever comes. Off to watch Twilight!
